3 statistics you should know about inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is one of the most powerful – and productive – marketing tools you can use. Now, that’s an easy statement to make. But when you look at some of the inbound marketing statistics around today, you’ll see it’s a statement that can be backed up by facts.
It’s difficult to cherry pick three statistics to support the power of inbound marketing, but I’ve tried to do just that here. Since blogging is one of the most powerful ways to bring traffic to your website, I’ve focused on statistics that show why you ought to consider using it as your number one inbound marketing tool.
The more blog posts you publish, the more traffic you’ll get
Hubspot is a great source for marketing statistics. This one has been quoted many times before, but it is always worth repeating:
Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5x more traffic than companies that published between 0-4 monthly posts.
There was a marked leap in traffic between publishing 3-4 posts and 5-10 posts. But the real leap occurred when 16+ posts were published each month. Could you apply this to your business? If you want more traffic, publishing more blog posts seems to be the way to achieve it.
The most valuable content marketing type used in inbound marketing is blogging
Are you surprised? After the statistic given above, this shouldn’t come as a shock. Plenty of marketers out there are discovering that blog posts are the best way to produce great inbound marketing results from their content marketing efforts. This stat comes from research done by Ironpaper. White papers came second with 37% of the results, but articles and blog posts were way out in front with 49%.
Put simply, if you’re not blogging regularly, you’re missing out on the most powerful tool to increase the results you can get from inbound marketing. Even if you’re new to the idea of inbound vs outbound marketing, you can’t afford to miss this.
Organic traffic increases by around 45% when the average business website expands from 11-20 blog posts to between 21-50 posts.
This stat comes from Hubspot too. This shows you how powerful it is to have a site packed with informative blog posts, rather than a site with just a handful of them. Okay, I know – that’s not a tiny amount. If you are writing great blog posts lots of people want to read, they’re not going to be short. They might take hours to write. Amassing between 11-20 blog posts from a standing start might take a while.
But just look at how much more organic traffic you could achieve once you get beyond that point. That’s worth thinking about. That’s a huge increase.
How many blog posts have you published? Think of each blog post as an open door, inviting people to view your website. How many doors are you leaving open for people to walk through, so they can read your content? The more doors you have, the more ways people can find you.
How can you apply these inbound marketing statistics to your business?
The great thing about all these stats is that they apply across the board. It doesn’t matter if you’re a photographer, you bake wedding cakes, or you’re an online bookstore owner. Whatever business you’ve got, blogging is the most important inbound marketing tool you can use. If you’re not using it, you’re missing out on a stream of traffic that will likely get bigger the more you blog.
If you’re not a writer, there’s no need to miss out on this source of organic traffic. I produce blog posts for numerous small businesses throughout the UK. Hire me today and you could see the results of regular blogging activity far sooner than you might be able to manage on your own.